The 2024 edition of the FLAIR conference (Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research) was held in Santa Maria degli Angeli – Assisi, Italy at the Domus Pacis hotel, as in 2018. Nick Davis, Dan Francis, and Jane Hodgkinson were in attendance to present three posters on their work. Nick presented recent developments in distributed …
Author's posts
Jun 18
PhD Viva Success!
Aug 05
Optica Sensing Congress
In August, Jane Hodgkinson and Dan Francis travelled to Munich to attend the Optica Sensing congress. Dan presented work on the development of an external-cavity quantum cascade laser spectrometer and Jane chaired a session on gas sensing. The conference, held in the Munich Hilton Park hotel in Tivoli, featured a good mix of spectroscopy talks …
Jun 30
SPIE: Optical Metrology
SPIE’s Optical Metrology conference held in conjunction with the World of Photonics congress took place in June in Munich. Tom Charrett, Kieran Wiseman, and Sivaji Pillai attended and presented their work. They were joined in Bavaria by former colleague Thomas Kissinger, currently at TU Ilmenau, who was chairing a session on interferometric techniques at the …
Jun 30
Graduation 2023
Jun 16
GASG 30th anniversary celebration
In June, the 30th anniversary celebration of the Gas Analysis and Sensing Group was held at the site of Crowcon in Didcot, Oxfordshire. The colloquium hosted a series of talks reviewing the history and looking towards the future of gas sensing. A birthday cake was prepared to celebrate the anniversary.
May 31
EWOFS 2023
The European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS) was held at the University of Mons in Belgium from May 23rd to May 26th and is one of the major international events for the optical fibre sensors community. Steve James and James Barrington attended to present their work on range resolved interferometry in wind tunnel testing. …
May 14
SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics in Prague
In April, Nina Binaei attended SPIE’s Optics and Optoelectronics conference in Prague to present her work on optical contamination monitoring in wire and arc additive manufacturing. In-process optical monitoring of contamination in an additively manufactured titanium alloy N Binaei, J Hodkinson, K Mullaney, E Chehura, S W Williams, and R P Tatam Presented at SPIE …
Mar 24
GASG at Chicheley Hall
The 84th Gas Analysis and Sensing Group symposium was held at Chicheley Hall in Buckinghamshire. The symposium focused on early career researchers with several presentations by past and present members of EP including Nick Davis, Nina Binaea, Célia Lourenço, and James Bremner. Prizes were awarded for the best talks with Cranfield University researcher Valerio …