Publications 2016 Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Overwrite fabrication and tuning of long period gratings
M Partridge, S W James, J Barrington, and R P Tatam
Optics Express 24 , 20, 22345-22356 (2016) – Open Access
CERES: Low-volume, fast response-time hollow silica waveguide gas cells for mid-IR spectroscopy
D Francis, J Hodgkinson, B Livingstone* , P Black* and R P Tatam
Applied Optics 55 , 25, 6797-6806 (2016) – Open Access
*Cascade Technologies , Emerson Process, Stirling, UK
CERES: Dissolved oxygen sensing using an optical fibre long period grating coated with hemoglobin
M Partridge, S W James, and R P Tatam
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 , 19, 4506-4510 (2016) – Open Access
CERES: Development and application of optical fibre strain and pressure sensors for in-flight measurements
N J Lawson* , R N G Correia, S W James, M Partridge, S E Staines, J E Gautrey* , K P Garry+ , J C Holt+ , and R P Tatam
Measurement Science and Technology 27 , 10, 104001 (2016) – Open Access
*National Flying Laboratory Centre, Cranfield University, UK, + Centre for Aeronautics, Cranfield University, UK
CERES: Novel Highly Sensitive Protein Sensors Based on Tapered Optical Fibres Modified with Au-Based Nanocoatings
A Urrutia* , K Bojan+ , L Marques+ , K Mullaney, J Goicoechea* , S W James, M Clark+ , R P Tatam, and S Korposh+
Journal of Sensors 8129387 (2016) – Open Access
*Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, + University of Nottingham, UK
CERES: Integrating cavity based gas cells: a multibeam compensation scheme for pathlength variation
S Bergin, J Hodgkinson, D Francis, and R P Tatam
Optics Express 24 , 12, 13647-13664 (2016) – Open Access
CERES: A long period grating optical fiber sensor with nano-assembled porphyrin layers for detecting ammonia gas
T Wang* , W Yasukochi* , S Korposh+ , S W James, R P Tatam, and S-W Lee*
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 228 , 573-580, (2016)
*University of Kitakyushu, Japan, + University of Nottingham, UK
CERES: Fibre segment interferometry for dynamic strain measurements
T Kissinger, T O H Charrett, R Correia, S W James, and R P Tatam
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 , 19, 4620-4626 (2016) – Open Access
CERES: Railway track component condition monitoring using optical fibre Bragg grating sensors
S Buggy, S W James, S E Staines, R Carroll* , P Kitson+ , D Farrington+ , L Drewett+ , J Jaiswal+ , and R P Tatam
Measurement Science and Technology 27 , 5, 055201 (2016)
*Stagecoach supertram, Sheffield, UK, + Tata steel, Middlesborough, UK A measurement strategy for non-dispersive ultra-violet detection of formaldehyde in indoor air: spectral analysis and interferent gases
J Davenport, J Hodgkinson, J Saffell* , and R P Tatam
Measurement Science and Technology 27 , 015802 (2016) – Open Access
* Alphasense, Essex, UK
CERES: Full-field interferometry using infinity corrected optics
T O H Charrett, and R P Tatam
Measurement Science and Technology 27 (1), 015402 (2016) – Open Access
CERES: Highly sensitive optical fibre long period grating biosensor anchored with silica core gold shell nanoparticles
L Marques* , F U Hernandez* , S James, S P Morgan* , M Clark* , R P Tatam, and S Korposh*
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 75 , 222-231, (2016) – Open Access
*Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK
CERES: Peer Reviewed Conference Publications Experimental determination of 2nd order phase matching turning points in long period gratings
J H Barrington, M Partridge, S W James, and R P Tatam
Presented at Sensors 2016, IEEE , held in Orlando, FL, USA, October 2016.
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 7808441 (2016)Characterisation of a cryostat using simultaneous, single-beam multiple-surface laser vibrometry
T Kissinger, T O H Charrett, S W James, A Adams* , A Twin* , and R P Tatam
Presented at the 12th international conference on vibration measurements using laser and non-contact techniques , held in Ancona, Italy, April 2016.
AIP Conf. Proc. 9157 , 100004 (2016)
*Oxford Instruments Nanoscience, Oxford, UK
CERES: Ammonia sensing using lossy mode resonances in a tapered optical fibre coated with porphyrin-incorporated titanium dioxide
D Tiwari, K Mullaney, S Korposh* , S W James, S-W Lee+ , and R P Tatam
Presented at the 6th European workshop on optical fibre sensors , held in Limerick, Ireland, May 2016.
Proc. SPIE 9916 , 99161H (2016)
*University of Nottingham, UK, + University of Kitakyushu, Japan
CERES: Sensitive detection of methane at 3.3 μm using an integrating sphere and interband cascade laser
N M Davis, J Hodgkinson, D Francis, and R P Tatam
Presented at Optical Sensing and Detection IV , held in Brussels, Belgium, April 2016.
Proc. SPIE 9899 , 98990M (2016)
CERES: Conference Presentations and Publications Methane detection using an external cavity Bragg grating stabilised laser at 1651nm
N M Davis, S G Lynch* , J C Gates* , J Hodgkinson, P G R Smith* , and R P Tatam
Presented at FLAIR 2016 , Aix-les-Bains, France, September 2016
*Optoelectronics research centre, University of Southampton, UK, High frequency modulation for pathlength calibration of an integrating sphere
S Bergin, T Kissinger, J Hodgkinson, and R P Tatam
Presented at FLAIR 2016 , Aix-les-Bains, France, September 2016Detection of methane at 3.3µm using an integrating sphere and Interband Cascade Laser for environmental applications
N M Davis, D Francis, J Hodgkinson, and R P Tatam
Presented at FLAIR 2016 , Aix-les-Bains, France, September 2016A fresh look at optical interferometry
T Kissinger
Presented at SET for Britain, Westminster, London, UK, March 2016Fibre optic chemical sensing
M Partridge
Presented at SET for Britain, Westminster, London, UK, March 2016