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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Optical Heterodyne Carrier Generation Utilising Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Birefringent Optical Fibre
C J Duffy and R P Tatam
Electronics Letters 27, pp 2004-2006, 1991
Invited Conference Presentations and Publications
Surface Contouring using TV Holography
H Atcha, R P Tatam, C H Buckberry, J C Davies and J D C Jones
Invited Paper Presented at The International Congress on Optical Science & Engineering: Fiber-Optic Metrology and Standards Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, 1991.
Published in SPIE Proc. 1504, pp 221-232, 1991.Applications of Fibre Optic Instrumentation in Hostile Environments
R P Tatam
Invited paper Presented at The International Congress on Optical Science & Engineering : Fiber-Optic Metrology and Standards Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, 1991.
Meetings and Symposia Presentations
The Use of Laser Diodes and Monomode Optical Fibre in Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry
H Atcha and R P Tatam
Presented at the OE/FIBERS ’91: Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors IX , Boston, USA, 1991.
Published in SPIE Proc. 1584, pp 425-434, 1991.Optical Frequency Shifter Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Birefringent Optical Fibre
C J Duffy and R P Tatam
Presented at The International Congress on Optical Science and Engineering, The Hague, Netherlands, 1991.
Published in SPIE Proc. 1511, pp 155-165, 1991.Optical Technique for the Compensation of the Temperature Dependent Verdet Constant in Faraday Rotation Magnetometers
S Hamid and R P Tatam
Presented at The International Congress on Optical Science & Engineering, The Hague, Netherlands, 1991.
Published in SPIE Proc. 1511, pp 78-89, 1991.