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EPG hits Photon ’06 in Manchester

September 2006

A significant EPG contingent, Ralph Tatam, Dackson Masiyano, Stephen Buggy, Ricardo Correia, Dan Francis, George Sarantavgas and Richard Murphy attended Photon06, held at the University of Manchester.

S J Buggy, E Chehura, S James, R P Tatam
Long period gratings for cure monitoring applications

R P Murphy, S James, R P Tatam
Multiplexing of fibre optic long period grating based interferometric sensors

R N Correia, E Chehura, S James, R P Tatam
Experimental and theoretical study of locally transverse loaded fibre Bragg gratings for pressure sensing applications

G Sarantavgas, H Ford, R P Tatam
Fizeau-based optical coherence tomography (OCT) using a fibre imaging bundle

T O Charrett, R P Tatam
Development of two-frequency planar doppler velocimetry

D Francis, S James, R P Tatam
Comparison of multiple viewing direction shearography with multiple illumination direction shearography

D Masiyano, J Hodgkinson and R P Tatam
Use of diffuse reflections in tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy


Italian Job

June 2006

Dr Edmond Chehura has recently returned from a visit to the National Institute of Applied Optics (INOA) in Naples (Italy) during the months of May and June (2006) where he was involved with scientific research. He was able to perform high resolution static and dynamic strain-temperature discrimination using the Institute’s expertise in laser radio frequency modulation techniques for phase sensitive fibre Bragg grating interrogation. He is currently writing up the work for journal publication.


New editor of Optics and Laser Technology

May 2006



Steve James has taken over as Editor in Chief of Optics and Laser Technology.




PhD Viva success

May 2006

Firas Sawaf defended successfully and robustly his PhD thesis on a new phase unwrapping technique for speckle interferometry.


Ralph visits Wuhan

April 2006

Ralph with Professor Weilai Li, who had previously spent time as a visiting professor in Engineering Photonics in 2004, when he visited Wuhan University in China.


Buggy at the House of Commons

March 2006

Stephen Buggy attended “Britain’s Younger Engineers 2006”, organised by SET for Britain , to present his work on resin cure monitoring using optical fibre long period gratings. The event was aimed to allow aspiring and lively younger scientists, engineers and technologists to present posters on their recent discoveries and ideas at a special reception in the House of Commons.

Refractive index measurement using long period gratings for cure monitoring applications
Stephen J Buggy, Stephen W James, Ralph P Tatam
Presented at SET 2006, House of Commons, London, 2006


British Female Inventors and Innovators Awards

February 2006

   Helen Ford has been awarded first prize in the “Higher Education and Learning Institutions” category at the recent award ceremony of the British Female Inventors and Innovators Network, for her work on the medical imaging technique of optical coherence tomography, sponsored under a Daphne Jackson Fellowship. Helen, who works in the Engineering Photonics Group in SoE, presented a prototype system which eliminates the present necessity for beam scanning at the tip of endoscopic OCT probes, allowing an extended area of the sample to be imaged and 2D data to be obtained with a single measurement.

Helen receiving her award.


January 2006
Helen Ford and Tom Charrett jetted off to the USA. Tom attended the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit in Reno, USA, to present the EPG’s latest work on Planar Doppler Velocimetry, while Helen revealed the latest developments on full field OCT at Photonics West.

Three dimensional planar Doppler velocimetry using imaging fibre bundles
T O H Charrett, H D Ford and R P Tatam
Presented at the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting, Reno, USA, Jan. 2006
To be published in the proceedings, paper AIAA-2006-0047.


Full-field optical coherence tomography using a fibre imaging bundle
H D Ford and R P Tatam
Presented at BiOS 2006, part of SPIE’s International Symposium Photonics West, San Jose, USA, January 2006.
To be published in SPIE Proc., 2006

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