Low volume gas sensing
A link to the flyer can be found here
Relevant publications
- Mid-IR spectroscopic instrumentation for point-of-care diagnosis using a hollow silica waveguide gas cell
D Francis, J Hodgkinson, C Walton, J Sizer*, P Black+, B Livingstone+, D P Fowler, M K Patel, and R P Tatam
Presented at BiOS (Part of SPIE Photonics West), San Francisco, CA, USA, January 2017
Proc. SPIE 10072 Article number 1007209 (2017) CERES: https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/12095
*Bedford Hospital, UK, +Cascade Technologies, UK - Low-volume, fast response-time hollow silica waveguide gas cells for mid-IR spectroscopy
D Francis, J Hodgkinson, B Livingstone*, P Black* and R P Tatam
Applied Optics 55, 25, 6797-6806 – Open Access
*Cascade Technologies, Emerson Process, Stirling, UK
CERES: https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/9862 - Quantum cascade laser light propagation through hollow silica waveguides
D Francis, J Hodgkinson, B Livingstone* and R P Tatam
Applied Physics B 119(1), 75-86 (2015) – Open Access
*Cascade Technologies Ltd, Stirling, UK,
CERES: https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/9853 - Optical gas sensing: a review
J Hodgkinson and R P Tatam
Measurement Science and Technology, 24, 012004 (59pp) (2013) CERES: https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/8226
Gas sensing with integrating spheres
A link to the flyer can be found here
Relevant publications
- Integrating cavity based gas cells: a multibeam compensation scheme for pathlength variation
S Bergin, J Hodgkinson, D Francis, and R P Tatam
Optics Express 24, 12, 13647-13664 (2016) – Open Access
CERES: https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/9862 - Sensitive detection of methane at 3.3 μm using an integrating sphere and interband cascade laser
N M Davis, J Hodgkinson, D Francis, and R P Tatam
Presented at Optical Sensing and Detection IV, held in Brussels, Belgium, April 2016.
Proc. SPIE 9899, 98990M (2016)
CERES: https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/9837 - Using integrating spheres with wavelength modulation spectroscopy: effect of pathlength distribution on 2nd harmonic signals
J Hodgkinson, D Masiyano and R P Tatam
Applied Physics B 110, 223-231 (2013).
CERES: https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/8389 - Gas cells for tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy employing optical diffusers. Part 2: Integrating spheres.
D Masiyano, J Hodgkinson and R P Tatam
Applied Physics B, 100, 303-312 (2010)
Special issue, 7th International Conference on Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy (TDLS 2009), Zermatt, 2009 - Using integrating spheres as absorption cells: pathlength distribution and application of Beer’s Law
J Hodgkinson, D Masiyano and R P Tatam
Applied Optics 48, 5748-5758 (2009)