Tilted Fibre Bragg Gratings With Nano-Structured Overlays
E Chehura, R P Murphy, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at the 18th International Conference of Fibre Optic Sensors, Mexico, October 2006
Locally Pressed Fibre Bragg Grating Pressure Sensor
R N G Correia, E Chehura, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at the 18th International Conference of Fibre Optic Sensors, Mexico, October 2006
Frequency Multiplexing of Fibre Optic Long Period Grating Based Mach-Zehnder Interferometers
R P Murphy, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at the 18th International Conference of Fibre Optic Sensors, Mexico, October 2006
Fibre Gratings for Cure Monitoring of Epoxy Resins
S J Buggy, E Chehura, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at the 18th International Conference of Fibre Optic Sensors, Mexico, October 2006
A Fibre Imaging Bundle for Full-Field OCT
H D Ford, R P Tatam
Presented at the 18th International Conference of Fibre Optic Sensors, Mexico, October 2006
Three dimensional planar Doppler velocimetry using imaging fibre bundles
T O H Charrett, H D Ford and R P Tatam
Presented at the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting, Reno, USA, Jan. 2006
Published in the proceedings, paper AIAA-2006-0047
Full-field optical coherence tomography using a fibre imaging bundle
H D Ford and R P Tatam
Presented at BiOS 2006, part of SPIE’s International Symposium Photonics West, San Jose, USA, January 2006. Published in SPIE Proc. 2006
Instantaneous Two-frequency Planar Doppler Velocimetry using pulsed Nd:YAG lasers
T.O.H.Charrett, and R P Tatam,
3th International symposium on the application of Laser Techniques to fluid mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, paper 21-3, 2006
Conference Presentations and Publications
Refractive index measurement using Long Period Gratings for cure monitoring applications
S J Buggy, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at SET 2006, House of Commons, London, 2006
Long period gratings for cure monitoring applications
S J Buggy, E Chehura, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at Photon06, Manchester, September 2006
Multiplexing of fibre optic long period grating based interferometric sensors R P Murphy, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at Photon06, Manchester, September 2006
Experimental and theoretical study of locally transverse loaded fibre Bragg gratings for pressure sensing applications
R N Correia, E Chehura, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at Photon06, Manchester, September 2006
Fizeau-based optical coherence tomography (OCT) using a fibre imaging bundle
G Sarantavgas, H Ford, R P Tatam
Presented at Photon06, Manchester, September 2006
Development of two-frequency planar doppler velocimetry
T O Charrett, R P Tatam
Presented at Photon06, Manchester, September 2006
Comparison of multiple viewing direction shearography with multiple illumination direction shearography
D Francis, S W James, R P Tatam
Presented at Photon06, Manchester, September 2006
Use of diffuse reflections in tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy
D Masiyano, J Hodgkinson and R P Tatam
Presented at Photon06, Manchester, September 2006