FLAIR 2024

The 2024 edition of the FLAIR conference (Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research) was held in Santa Maria degli Angeli – Assisi, Italy at the Domus Pacis hotel, as in 2018. Nick Davis, Dan Francis, and Jane Hodgkinson were in attendance to present three posters on their work.

View of the Cathedral of San Rufino in Assisi.

Nick presented recent developments in distributed gas sensing using range resolved with hollow fibre, and Dan presented recent healthy volunteer breath measurements using tunable laser spectroscopy.

Nick, Jane, and Dan in Spoleto before the rains arrived.

Nick with one of his two posters.










EP papers

Simultaneous real-time measurements of methane using S-RRI
N M Davis, J Bremner, J Hodgkinson,  T O H Charrett, S Staines, S W James, and R P Tatam

Multi-segment gas detection with nested anti-resonant nodeless fibre (NANF)
N M Davis, T Kelly+, J Hodgkinson, T O H Charrett, S W James, H Sakr+, T Kissinger, S Staines, F Poletti+, R Slavik+, N Wheeler+, and R P Tatam
+ORC University of Southampton;

Multi-species gas measurement in exhaled breath using QCL spectroscopy with a hollow waveguide gas cell
D Francis, J Hodgkinson, B Livingstone+, Paul Black+, C Walton, J Sizer*, and R P Tatam
+Emerson, Cumbernauld; *Bedford Hospital NHS Trust;